Perceptor PTXL eradicates costly compliance fees by creating 100% precise barcodes 100% of the time.
Perceptor PTXL is a unique software application installed on a networked Windows PC. It connects with a Printronix AutoID T83X4 printer with the powerful ODV-2D option installed.
Ethernet is the connection between the PC and the ODV-2D optical imaging head. The label printing is via either local USB or LAN Ethernet. Label design and printing can use everyday label design software products such as BarTender, NiceLabel, or other established brands.
Building on the world-renowned history and quality of the Printronix thermal printer product family, this system fully benefits from its unique print overstrike feature. Overstrike enables this system to retract the failed label, print a crosshatch overstrike to void, and then reprint the document.
A unique offering, this is the first fully-integrated, compliant-serialization, quality print verification bundled package that prints and processes inline in one flow.
Perceptor PTXL provides verification and validation of the correctness of labels. Each label printed passes the scanner for imaging and processing inline. Perceptor PTXL receives an image of each label as label printing occurs. Perceptor PTXL allows the user to specify which inspections to perform on the specific label area. If an assessment fails, the label pulls back into the printer, made void by overprinting before reprinting and repeating the process.
The label result is passed back to a database only if the label passes. A pass would include ISO code verification, OCR verification, and serial number validation, and there are no unacceptable blemishes on the label.
Users can carry label printing and inspection to a new level of management and adherence. Enact a review of every label in real-time. Choose barcode label validation with Perceptor PTXL.
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Barcode Validators
*Discontinued printer models are occasionally offered refurbished or remanufactured. Limited availability on a first-come, first-served basis.