IBM InfoPrint 6500-V20 Printer

infoprint 6500-v20

IBM InfoPrint 6500-V20 – 2,000 LPM with Ethernet. Expertly Refurbished 6500 V20 units in stock – IPDS units available. InfoPrint 6500 V20 Repair and On-Site Maintenance Service contracts available.

InfoPrint 6500 V20 Summary:

  • Print speeds up to 2,000 lines per minute
  • Familar IBM user-friendly interface and controls
  • IPDS language available
  • Remote management capability
  • Printer monitoring with IBM PMU utility
  • Ribbon-Minder technology

SAVE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS on a Refurbished InfoPrint 6500 V20 as compared to +$18,000 list price for a new Printronix P8220

Highlights on the InfoPrint 6500 V20:

  • Enclosed cabinet design to maximize floor space and less noise
  • Real-time alert messaging to ensure immediate attention of printer status
  • Bar code, graphics and overlay capabilities
  • Intelligent “Ribbon-Minder” ribbon system for managing ribbon life and print quality
  • Low total cost of printing with extreme reliability

The InfoPrint 6500 V20 Line Printer attaches to a wide spectrum of IBM systems — from IBM mainframes and parallel servers to PCs.

Expertly Refurbished InfoPrint 6500 V20 Units (and other 6500 models and speeds) are Available Now

InfoPrint 6500 family – The IBM InfoPrint 6500 family has models with maximum print speeds from 500 to 2,000 lpm, and with an array of features that can be used to customize the printer for many applications and attachments. The breadth of the InfoPrint 6500 family offers common features across the range of printer speeds.

Impact printers, line/line matrix printers, dot matrix printers, and serial matrix printers.

*Discontinued printer models are occasionally offered refurbished or remanufactured. Limited availability on a first-come, first-served basis.